During the last years I have read a lot of books. While reading I always made some notes for myself to better keep them in mind. After a while I usually come back to them and think about them again.
Some describe very important personal key learnings. Have fun with it and let me know whether you like it.
1. Look for role models
The Big Five for Life — John Strelecky
People too often ask how things work. Instead they should start looking where they want to go.
After you have clarified where you want to go, you can search for people who already got there. You can then use these role models to orientate yourself and ask them for advice, for example.
The thing is: It is okay not to know how something works! It would only be fatal to teach yourself everything instead of using the knowledge of others.
Therefore my advice is: Find a role model who has already achieved what you are looking for and “ask” him how he did it.
This will save you a lot of time and prevent you from making the same mistakes. Your role model might also be happy to have found someone who is interested in this topic. In the next step you could pass on your knowledge again.
2. Be studious
Ohne Worte: Was andere über dich denken — Torsten Havener
Diligence beats talent — and both together are unbeatable! Just look at Leo Messi. There are many great footballers around the world. But if you combine a hard working mentality with lots of talent — you are unstoppable.
If you were born with not so much talent, it does not matter. As I mentioned it’s much more important to be diligent in order to become good at a specific thing. To be more precise you need 10,000 hours of practice in this matter!
According to Thorsten Havener, this is supposedly the magic number needed by the brain to assimilate all that is necessary to really master an activity.
He looked at the world’s best and also average violin players and analyzed their total amount of practice hours since childhood. He comes to the conclusion that the greatest factor influencing later success is the number of hours of practice.
My advice: Give yourself an hard-working attitude because the top of the world is thus characterized less by a so-called natural talent than by the number of hours of practice!
3. Start speaking
Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike — Phil Knight
This advice is pretty short, but indeed very important to actually perform.
You only understand a topic when you can really tell others about it! Therefore you should use the chance to speak about it as often as possible and pass on your knowledge to others. Because by reporting, your knowledge is constantly strengthened.
My advice: Take the next best opportunity to speak in front of people!
4. Know the rules of money
Rich Dad, Poor Dad — Robert Kiyosaki
There are countless books and articles about money. Here is a short summary:
Money should not be used to pay bills, but only to generate new money with which bills can be paid.
This insight in the book Rich Dad — Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki was drastic and extremely inspiring for me. Of course, it’s very difficult to implement this immediately. However, you should keep this concept in mind in order to become financially free.
My advice: A good game to get an understanding of money is the game Cashflow 101, with which knowledge about money can be built up easily.
5. Become an expert and you’ll have a good life (financially and personal)
The 4-Hour work week — Tim Ferris
I read this interesting point of view and immediately started thinking about it.
Are you tired of doing the boring 9-to-5 job and wasting your time in the office every day? You have a hobby that you enjoy extremely, but you think you can’t earn money with it?
The thing I realised:
You can earn money with everything. You just have to be the best at one thing! (or belong to the best among a few). People look for advice and help for almost everything. You remember that guy who was really into steam trains? He might be an expert teaching others about it. Or have a look at Tim Ferris: He teaches others what matters in life and how to increase work-life balance.
My advice: Try to become very advanced in one thing and help others to become good at the same. I bet there is always somebody on this planet, who is willing to pay for your valuable advice.
6. Read Books and take notes
Personal advice
You think books are totally out?Despite the technical revolution and new media offers, books are still a fantastic tool. You wonder why? I tell you why:
Someone has spent several weeks / months thinking about a topic in a profound way and explains it in compressed form.
Additionally to reading books only, it is important that you store this information somewhere. Though it’s important that you know where to find that info. At regular intervals you can then call up this information and let it run through your mind again and maybe give others the chance to participate from your learning.
These were my most important insights of my professional and personal development so far. I hope you were able to take something for yourself!